Let Go, Let God

Recently, a friend of mine had once again bid on a job at Church.  Once again, the bid had gone to someone else.  This time, I felt some irritation and was postponing calling him with this negative news that he had not received the job.

After a couple of hours of “stewing”, I bit the bullet and called to tell him the news.  When he heard, he thanked me profusely and told me another job had fallen in his lap but he would have to refuse it had he gotten the job for our Church.  My heart was filled with humility as I saw that I should let go of “human will” and “Let God be God” !  I remain so humble as I see His wisdom everywhere.

Psalms 62:5 reads, “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone: my hope comes from Him.”  This is true when I “Let go and let God”.

Spring Foals, 11.5 x 8.5

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